Systematic theft at a camping dealer was immediately stopped
With active area security, Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS was able to put an end to the theft of winter-stored caravans.
In May 2021, Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS had a group of thieves visit for a long time. Unfortunately, the theft went unnoticed. The theft only included internal parts, on the approx. 150 caravans that Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS had stored for their customers for the winter. Only when the caravans were emptied, and the thieves now began to peel off the external values, Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS became aware of the problem.
- The thieves had acquired master keys so they could get in and out unnoticed. Every night they always closed and locked after themselves. Even the hole in the fence was carefully closed together after each visit, says Jesper Behrensdorff, director of Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS. He continues: My feeling is that the thieves were systematically visiting every night. It had to be stopped, of course, and it had to be stopped immediately.
Quick setup
That's why Jesper contacted SITE SECURITY. Within a short time, SITE SECURITY had sent Jesper an offer. The next morning, unfortunately, there had been uninvited guests again. Jesper therefore hurried to accept the offer. The system was set up before lunch and fully connected before dawn.
- I'm very impressed over the professionalism and fast response time that SITE SECURITY has shown in connection with the setup. We have set up a total of 3 camera masts. Together they monitor 100% of our area.

Bijé Fritid & Camping
The working day has become easier
Previously, Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS only had a regular alarm system and "dead" surveillance cameras set up. With active monitoring from SITE SECURITY, Jesper and his employees no longer have to go in and check the recordings themselves in case of suspected burglary.
- Every night I go to bed, I can safely close my eyes in the knowledge that Site-Security are someone who keeps an eye on Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS. The next morning there is an email to me if anything has happened during the night. So far, however, every email has only concerned me, laughs Jesper, because he sometimes forgot to turn off the system when he had a chore in the company in the evening.
In addition to the actual handling of surveillance cameras, the working day at Bijé Fritid & Camping ApS has also become easier.
- It is often difficult to obtain the spare parts that have been stolen. This makes it time consuming to move on. Tells Jesper and refers to the thefts happened at the most critical time, namely in May when the camping season really starts and people come to pick up their caravan
- Since SITE-SECURITY has started monitoring our areas, we have not had a single burglary. It's really impressive, says Jesper and concludes: They have friendly staff who make sure that everything is quickly corrected and completed. We are very satisfied.